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Making Online Board Meetings Productive

Online board meetings are a fantastic alternative to bring your Board together and without the limitations of traveling, time, and space. However, there are issues to make these meetings productive. This article outlines ways to ensure your online board meetings are as productive as you can.

Keeping everyone engaged. Online board members may feel less inclined to speak as they would in person, which could make it difficult to discuss the issues and hamper the flow of the meeting. This can result in miscommunication and confusion. This can be overcome with the right technology implemented and clear protocols for communication are set for virtual meetings.

Board meetings require a lot of preparation. Using board management software with document storage can make it easier to keep track of tasks and assignments. This lets the meeting be focused on the crucial issues and enhances the effectiveness of your board.

Mute buttons can be an important feature in online board meetings. When people are working at home, they could have pets, children or coworkers around. These distractions can make it difficult to focus on board portal tools for effective governance the discussion. It’s easy to end the distractions by letting everyone be quiet until they speak. A set of agreed-upon maximum time for speaking can also assist in avoiding one person dominating the discussion. A person who keeps minutes will ensure that all discussions and discussions are documented. Setting a specific time frame for each agenda item could aid in ensuring that the meeting is efficient.

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